We’re going to have to face it - what we do and how we do it in the creative industries including in game design and building businesses is dependent on how we raise cash and how much of it we can raise.
For games, there’s most certainly a lot of action from the various funding agencies in developing games and games businesses, but funding is far from guaranteed now and into the future. Likewise, the appetite for continuing to fund the sector is far from assured and governments change hands and priorities with the creative sector alway in peril.
Solving the funding puzzle is still a mystery to many game makers. Two of the biggest unknown variables are timing and source. Meaning, which sources of funding are suitable at which stages of development. Critically, game makers first need to understand if they are seeking funding for a specific game project, or their studio. Those elements have a dramatic impact on who, when, and how you pitch for funding.
This session will help you determine the initial forking (game vs studio), and then parse the timing and source variables. Further, this session will uncover the underlying truths of how venture capital works. Despite the influx of new game-focused venture funds, scoring a juicy VC deal remains elusive for most game makers. Concrete examples of how different games and studios got funded will be provided.
Studio 2, Ground Floor, Hacket Hall, WA Museum Boola Bardip